| | lua require('telescope').extensions.bookmark.filemarks(require('telescope.themes').get_dropdown{previewer = false, initial_mode='normal', prompt_title='Filemarks'}) | |
| # | #zz | |
| % | (matchup-%) | |
Nvim builtin | & | :&& | |
| * | *zz | |
| - | :lua require’lir.float’.toggle() | |
| F | | |
| K | :lua require(‘user.keymaps’).show_documentation() | |
| N | Nzz | |
| Q | Bdelete! | |
Add a surrounding pair around the current line, on new lines (normal mode) | SS | (nvim-surround-normal-cur-line) | |
Add a surrounding pair around a motion, on new lines (normal mode) | S | (nvim-surround-normal-line) | |
| T | | |
Nvim builtin | Y | y$ | |
| [% | (matchup-[%) | |
| [q | :cprev | |
| \ag | lua require('neoai.shortcuts').shortcut_functions['__uid2n']() | |
| \gy | lua require'gitlinker'.get_buf_range_url('n') | |
| ' | siw’ | |
| ]% | (matchup-]%) | |
| ]q | :cnext | |
Change a surrounding pair, putting replacements on new lines | cS | (nvim-surround-change-line) | |
Change a surrounding pair | cs | (nvim-surround-change) | |
Delete a surrounding pair | ds | (nvim-surround-delete) | |
| f | | |
| g% | (matchup-g%) | |
| g(dial-decrement) | lua require"dial.command".select_augend_gnormal()let &opfunc="dial#operator#decrement_gnormal"g@lua require("dial.command").textobj() | |
| g(dial-increment) | lua require"dial.command".select_augend_gnormal()let &opfunc="dial#operator#increment_gnormal"g@lua require("dial.command").textobj() | |
| gb | | |
| gc | | |
| gx | :silent execute ‘!$BROWSER ‘ . shellescape(expand(‘cfile>'), 1) | |
| g# | g#zz | |
| g* | g*zz | |
| n | nzz | |
Add a surrounding pair around the current line (normal mode) | ss | (nvim-surround-normal-cur) | |
Add a surrounding pair around a motion (normal mode) | s | (nvim-surround-normal) | |
| t | | |
| z% | (matchup-z%) | |
| zb | let [v:hlsearch, @/, v:searchforward]=smoothie#do("zb") | |
| z- | let [v:hlsearch, @/, v:searchforward]=smoothie#do("z-") | |
| zz | let [v:hlsearch, @/, v:searchforward]=smoothie#do("zz") | |
| z. | let [v:hlsearch, @/, v:searchforward]=smoothie#do("z.") | |
| z | let [v:hlsearch, @/, v:searchforward]=smoothie#do("z\CR>") | |
| zt | let [v:hlsearch, @/, v:searchforward]=smoothie#do("zt") | |
| z^ | let [v:hlsearch, @/, v:searchforward]=smoothie#do("z^") | |
| z+ | let [v:hlsearch, @/, v:searchforward]=smoothie#do("z+") | |
| { | let [v:hlsearch, @/, v:searchforward]=smoothie#do("{") | |
| } | let [v:hlsearch, @/, v:searchforward]=smoothie#do("}") | |
| <2-LeftMouse> | (matchup-double-click) | |
| (matchup-reload) | :MatchupReload | |
| (matchup-double-click) | :call matchup#text_obj#double_click() | |
| (matchup-Z%) | :call matchup#motion#jump_inside_prev(0) | |
| (matchup-z%) | :call matchup#motion#jump_inside(0) | |
| (matchup-[%) | :call matchup#motion#find_unmatched(0, 0) | |
| (matchup-]%) | :call matchup#motion#find_unmatched(0, 1) | |
| (matchup-g%) | :call matchup#motion#find_matching_pair(0, 0) | |
| (matchup-%) | :call matchup#motion#find_matching_pair(0, 1) | |
| 37_(wise) | empty(g:v_motion_force) ? ‘v’ : g:v_motion_force | |
| (matchup-hi-surround) | :call matchup#matchparen#highlight_surrounding() | |
| (SmoothieBackwards) | call smoothie#backwards() | |
| (SmoothieForwards) | call smoothie#forwards() | |
| (SmoothieUpwards) | call smoothie#upwards() | |
| (SmoothieDownwards) | call smoothie#downwards() | |
| | let [v:hlsearch, @/, v:searchforward]=smoothie#do("\ScrollWheelUp>") | |
| | let [v:hlsearch, @/, v:searchforward]=smoothie#do("\ScrollWheelDown>") | |
| | let [v:hlsearch, @/, v:searchforward]=smoothie#do("\PageUp>") | |
| | let [v:hlsearch, @/, v:searchforward]=smoothie#do("\S-Up>") | |
| | let [v:hlsearch, @/, v:searchforward]=smoothie#do("\C-B>") | |
| | let [v:hlsearch, @/, v:searchforward]=smoothie#do("\PageDown>") | |
| | let [v:hlsearch, @/, v:searchforward]=smoothie#do("\S-Down>") | |
| | let [v:hlsearch, @/, v:searchforward]=smoothie#do("\C-F>") | |
| | let [v:hlsearch, @/, v:searchforward]=smoothie#do("\C-U>") | |
| | let [v:hlsearch, @/, v:searchforward]=smoothie#do("\C-D>") | |
| PlenaryTestFile | :lua require(‘plenary.test_harness’).test_directory(vim.fn.expand(“%:p”)) | |
| (dial-decrement) | lua require"dial.command".select_augend_normal()let &opfunc="dial#operator#decrement_normal"g@lua require("dial.command").textobj() | |
| (dial-increment) | lua require"dial.command".select_augend_normal()let &opfunc="dial#operator#increment_normal"g@lua require("dial.command").textobj() | |
Float Terminal | | | |
Vertical Terminal | | | |
Horizontal Terminal | | | |
| | | |
| | lua require('copilot.suggestion').toggle_auto_trigger() | |
| | lua require"dial.command".select_augend_normal('mygroup')let &opfunc="dial#operator#decrement_normal"g@lua require("dial.command").textobj() | |
| | lua require"dial.command".select_augend_normal('mygroup')let &opfunc="dial#operator#increment_normal"g@lua require("dial.command").textobj() | |
| | :silent only | Jaq |
Change a surrounding pair, putting replacements on new lines | (nvim-surround-change-line) | | |
Change a surrounding pair | (nvim-surround-change) | | |
Delete a surrounding pair | (nvim-surround-delete) | | |
Add a surrounding pair around the current line, on new lines (normal mode) | (nvim-surround-normal-cur-line) | | |
Add a surrounding pair around a motion, on new lines (normal mode) | (nvim-surround-normal-line) | | |
Add a surrounding pair around the current line (normal mode) | (nvim-surround-normal-cur) | | |
Add a surrounding pair around a motion (normal mode) | (nvim-surround-normal) | | |
| | :call QuickFixToggle() | |
| | lua require('telescope.builtin').buffers(require('telescope.themes').get_dropdown{previewer = false, initial_mode='normal'}) | |
| | lua require('Comment.api').toggle_current_linewise() | |
| | lua require('lsp_lines').toggle() | |
| | ZenMode | |
| | TSHighlightCapturesUnderCursor | |
| | :echo “hi" . synIDattr(synID(line("."),col("."),1),"name") . '> trans' . synIDattr(synID(line("."),col("."),0),"name") . "> lo" . synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line("."),col("."),1)),"name") . ">" . " FG:" . synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line("."),col("."),1)),"fg#") | |
| | M | |
| | FilemarkPrev | |
| | FilemarkNext | |
| | BookmarkPrev | |
| | BookmarkNext | |
| | | |
| | l | |
| | h | |
| | | |
| | WhichKey \ | |
| | :resize +2 | |
| | j | |
| | :resize -2 | |
| | k | |
| | call smoothie#do("\") | |
| | call smoothie#do("\") | |
| | :call QuickFixToggle() | |
| | h | |
| | :vertical resize +2 | |
| | :vertical resize -2 | |
| | l | |